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Agile Working – The New Normal – What Employers Need to Think About

man working from home

The past year has shown how quickly businesses and individuals can adapt when they have to.  It has been surprising just how many companies have been able to effectively carry on as normal with all employees working from home either fully or partially.

But what started as a necessary temporary measure has now become semi-permanent nearly a year on and looks set to continue for at least the next 3-6 months until Government restrictions change.

At the same time many workers and employers have decided that a more agile working arrangement going forward beyond COVID-19 has its benefits in terms of flexibility and cost and so the workplaces of the future are likely to be significantly different to what was the norm only a year ago.

Whilst agile-working presents both the employee and employer with multiple potential benefits, it does also present additional health and safety challenges for employers which they will have to overcome to meet their legal obligations.

Here’s a brief look at what employers need to consider if their workforce is going to work in an agile capacity going forward.

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The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Businesses

woman listening to ladyAs an employer it is important to understand that the mental health and wellbeing of your employees is just as important as their physical health and safety. You have a duty not only to keep them physically safe but ensure their mental health isn’t being adversely affected and to provide support where necessary.

This has become particularly apparent this year with the physical restrictions and other issues caused by COVID-19. Working from home, used to protect them from the potential physical health issues that the disease brings have undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on their mental health and wellbeing as social interaction has been reduced leaving many feeling isolated and out of touch with their colleagues.

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Face Fit Testing – Why is it Important During and Post Coronavirus

Face Fit Testing in CoronavirusDue to the highly transmittable nature of COVID-19 accurate Face Fit Testing has become more and more important, not only for industries that already make use of RPE (Respiratory Protection Equipment) on a regular basis, but for new sectors that are using it for the first time.

RPE already has an important day-to-day role in protecting employees from hazardous fumes and substances. The threat of coronavirus in the UK and around the globe has resulted in a surge in RPE requirements for many industries and sectors that would not have previously considered it’s use, or, more importantly know how to ensure that it is fitted correctly.

Our latest blog highlights the importance of Face Fit Testing during the coronavirus outbreak, how to use disposable respirators and the continued importance of Face Fit Testing post lockdown.

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Assessing the Risk of Legionella as Businesses Shut for Covid-19


As it has been said many times, we are in unprecedented times! The focus of all businesses at the present time is naturally ensuring that their employees, customers and suppliers are safe and minimising the risk of transmission of Covid-19.

Everyone at this stage is aware of the virus, what it does, and what everyone needs to do to help slow its spread, but what about after it is all over? What will its effect have been when shops, restaurants, schools and sports centres reopen after a long period of dormancy.

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What Next for Your Employee Safety After You’ve Implemented Your Business Continuity Plans?

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As the impact of COVID-19 hits virtually every sector and business across the UK the effectiveness of Business Continuity Plans has been tested as never before. Whether it’s changing working practices to adopt social distancing, moving non-critical employees to remote working, identifying new markets or providing different products and services the scale and speed of these changes have left minimal time for reviewing some of the longer term health and safety implications for both the business and employees.

With the impact likely to be more months than weeks, once the dust settles and the immediate priorities are addressed, businesses will need to start focusing on the wider impact of these changes going forward and how they transition things once restrictions begin to be lifted and operations go back to something closer to normal.

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