Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Workplace Health and Safety During Autumn and Winter

Broom sweeping up autumn leaves

The leaves on the trees have turned to beautiful oranges, reds and browns and the mornings now have a crispness about them. Autumn is in full swing and winter on its way and whilst this means lovely autumnal walks and the run up to Christmas it signals an increase in risks that employers need to assess and manage to keep their employees and the public safe.

So, we’ve pulled together a short checklist to highlight some of the additional areas to think about when looking at workplace health and safety during the autumn and winter months. Like with much of health and safety a lot of them are fairly obvious and common sense but can often be forgotten about at such a busy time of year:

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Sureteam Awarded ISO 9001: 2015 Accreditation

ISO 9001:2015 ACM registered LogoSureteam are pleased to announce that it has been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 accreditation once again. Certified by ACM, an independent UKAS-accredited body, the ISO 9001:2015 quality management systems award recognises that we are continually striving to provide the highest quality of service to our customers.

The ISO 9001:2015 is an internationally recognised standard for quality management. It helps businesses like ours to demonstrate our commitment to customer satisfaction and quality of service, with adherence to all the necessary statutory and regulatory requirements and to continually strive for improvement.

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Just Launched – The Healthy Working Program! Cost-Effective Health and Safety E-Learning Suite

hands typing at laptop

Sureteam are delighted to introduce The Healthy Working Program, a suite of award-winning E-learning health and safety courses delivered in partnership with Cardinus Risk Management. Comprised of over 20 courses, the suite covers a range of topics for teams and managers to learn and embed a health and safety culture within their organisation.

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Fire Safety: What’s involved?

The majority of fires that take place within workplaces are preventable if proper fire safety procedures are followed.  With many employees working from home for over a year it is important that as businesses begin to move back into premises, either fully or partially, they revisit their Fire Risk Assessments and make sure that employees are reminded of what to do in the event of a fire.

We’ve recently helped one of our long-standing clients to assess their fire safety processes as part of an office move, read more to see how we’ve supported their team.

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Assessing the Risk of Legionella as Businesses Re-open


The past year has been one of stops and starts as the various lockdown restrictions have been eased or increased. As we emerge out of our third and hopefully final lockdown, many businesses are beginning to plan to return to their office workspaces and with this comes the need for various risk assessments. One of these is the Risk of Legionella within the cold and hot water systems.

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