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Charities – Sector page

Health & Safety Support for Charities and Not-for Profit Organisations

Across the UK there are over 165,000 charities operating and providing support for a range of causes from childcare to health support services. They are complex businesses often involving both the employment of paid staff and volunteers as well as the running of shops and events for the public.

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act trustees of charities have a duty of care not only for their employees, but also for these volunteers and the general public and that’s why it’s essential that health and safety policies and procedures are rigorous to ensure everyone stays safe.  Whether it’s managing the new donations on a shop floor, the cleaning policies for a hospice or the health and safety procedures for a large public fundraiser there are always health and safety considerations.

At Sureteam we have an experienced team of health and safety consultants who can undertake a full audit of your health and safety systems to ensure every area has been covered. We can also provide ongoing consultancy, so whenever you have a query, you can pick up the phone for our thoughts and advice on new or existing policies.

We work with organisations proactively to ensure health and safety measures are preventative, rather than following an accident. We will work closely with your team to generate straightforward, practical solutions that are appropriate for your charity and keep everyone safe and healthy.

Give us a call

Our team are on hand for any advice you need give us a call on 01666 503686 to discuss your health and safety needs. With Sureteam, you have got it covered.

Main areas for consideration include:

Stress and Well-Being

Our courses give your employees and staff the practical tools and knowledge to identify and support colleagues and clients that are experiencing low mental health. Find out more here.


Whether working on the phones, spending the day in the office or generally using display screen equipment, employers must to protect employees from the health risks associated with prolonged use of DSE. Find out more here.

Risk Assessments

Whether for shops, offices or even events, you must have up to date risk assessments to evaluate what risks are present and what measures need to be put in place to protect not only the workers but the public. Find out more here.

How we can help support you

Health and Safety Audit

Our experienced team of health and safety consultants can be commissioned to undertake a full audit of your health and safety systems. Following this review, we will produce a tailored, comprehensive report which details where the gaps are in your Health and Safety.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments of all activities, including those undertaken by employees, must be completed with an assessment of any activity which could affect someone’s safety. The COVID-19 outbreak also possesses a risk to all businesses which must be assessed.


We can provide your business with ongoing consultancy to ensure you have the proactive support needed to prevent health and safety failures. We will work closely with you to generate straightforward, practical solutions to ensure you’re complying with UK health and safety legislation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we have a full suite of training courses available, the majority of which can be completed online. From First Aid, to Fire Safety, DSE Assessments to Courses on Wellbeing as well as courses on general health and safety and completion of Risk Assessments.

Click here to see our entire suite of courses.

We can! Outsourcing your Risk Assessments to a specialist team of Health and Safety consultants like Sureteam will not only ensure you are looking after your people and those they interact with, but will also save valuable time and worry by leaving it to the experts.

We also provide an Effective Risk Assessment E-learning course to train anyone to complete their own risk assessments.

Yes, we are currently providing a stand-alone service at a competitive fixed price to provide assistance with COVID-19 Risk Assessments to give added piece of mind that your business is putting the correct measures in place. This is particularly important when considering the risk of Legionella as water systems are turned off during periods of lockdown.

To find out more, speak to one of the team on 01666 503686 or read more here.

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What Our Clients Have to Say...

In an ever demanding market the necessary credentials are at the forefront of every large contractors mind. They need to know and prove that the people they have working for them are safe. It’s with the credentials secured with Sureteam that we can now move forward as a business.

Richard Bennett, Managing Director – Visionary Painting & Decorating Ltd