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New Fire Regulations in the UK and What it means for Non-Domestic Businesses

man carrying out a fire risk assessment looking at fire extinguishers with clipboard and penNew Fire Regulations came into force in October 2023 in the latest phase of reforms by the UK government to improve fire safety and building safety following the terrible Grenfell fire in 2017.

The new safety guidance was part of the new fire safety legal provisions within section 156 of the Building Safety Act 2022 and forms phase 3 of the Home Office’s fire safety reform programme which made amendments to the Fire Safety Order 2005 (FSO).

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What is Safe365 and How Can it help my Business’ Health and Safety?

Safe365 management reporting screenClients often ask us at Sureteam to help them ensure that all areas of their health and safety are up to scratch and compliant. In order to assess this, we carry out an audit and check all the processes and procedures are in place to make sure that appropriate risk management is taking place and hazards are minimised.

Our ultimate aim as consultants is to help the business embed a culture of safety across the organisation, so that everyone is aware of how they play their part in assessing risks and mitigating them.

For larger organisations we use Safe365, a cost-effective and easy to use digital health and safety management tool. It enables H&S teams to manage health and safety across the organisation producing clear visual graphs and reports on how mature each area of the business is.

Sureteam is one of just a handful of health and safety consultancies in the UK that are a Safe365 Premium Partner, fully trained to set up and use Safe365 alongside or on behalf of our clients. Read on to find out how it could help your business.

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Health and Safety Risk Assessment for Football Clubs

football in front of goalOn any given weekend you will now find many thousands of local grass root football clubs up and down the country, training and competing in matches. These will be for both men and women, boys and girls and for veterans.

But as numbers of players increase, there is also an increasing need for health and safety issues to be considered and for volunteers and committees to be aware of what they should be doing to keep players and spectators safe.

In this blog, we’ll look at the many different things to consider for those volunteers that are needing to carry out a risk assessment for a football game whether it’s played on a wet November Sunday or an exceedingly hot day in June.

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What Should Be in a First Aid Box?

First Aid KitWhether you work in an office or on a busy construction site, employ less than 5 people or more than 500, having a first aid kit is essential to treat any minor injuries or wounds that may occur during the working day. But what should or should not go into a first aid box? This blog will give you more information and help you decide.

The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 states:

“An employer shall provide or ensure that there are provided such equipment and facilities as are adequate and appropriate in the circumstances for enabling first aid to be rendered to his employees if they are injured or become ill at work”

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Tips for Hosting a Street Party

street party in the UK with Union Jack flags strung between housesIf you are thinking about hosting a party to celebrate the King’s Coronation, it is always a good idea to think about the possible risks that could cause injury to people attending your party. You should think about how you can minimise things going wrong, and having a back up plan to ensure that you can celebrate the event successfully.

Some of these hints and tips should help give an idea of some of the most common hazards, with a way in ensuring that they are controlled safely.

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