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First Aid at Work

First Aid at Work

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to enable first-aid to be given to employees if they are injured or become ill at work. These regulations apply to all workplaces including those with five or fewer employees and to the self-employed.

What is Needed for ‘Adequate and Appropriate’ First-Aid?

The answer will vary between workplaces and the type of work carried out but at a high level covers whether you need:

1. Trained first-aiders

2. Specific items required in the first-aid box

3. A dedicated first-aid room

To determine what level of first aid is required in your organisation, in the first instance you should carry out a First Aid needs Assessment. 

A review of the Risk Assessments already in place for your workplace will help you to identify the hazards and therefore give you a clear indication of the types of accidents or injuries that might occur.

It is important to note that whilst employers are not required to provide first-aid for non-employees, the HSE strongly recommends they are included within the  assessment.

What Does a First-aid needs Assessment Cover?

An assessment needs to take into account:
– the nature of the work and workplace hazards and risks
– the working arrangements such as the amount of travel or work shifts
– and the size of the organisation

First-Aid Services by Sureteam

First-Aid Consultancy

We can work alongside your team and offer proactive support to you on the assessment of first-aid requirements within the organisation..

Working with you as part of ongoing consultancy can provide advice and guidance on  mitigation of risks and help should an accident unfortunately occur..

Every industry will face different challenges so we will work closely with your organisation to ensure the service you receive is tailored exclusively to your needs.

First-Aid Training

There are no rules on the number of people that should be trained in any given organisation in first-aid although the HSE advise at least one for 25 or fewer employees.  First-aid training enables your staff to give emergency and potentially lifesaving assistance to others.

It is important that any first-aiders are certified and that their training is kept up to  date. This certificate needs updating every 3 years and Sureteam offers both trainer-led and e-learning first-aid courses.

Mental Health First-Aider Training

Mental health first-aider (MHFA) training is recognised by employers as being an invaluable skill for members of their team to have. Participants are trained to recognised when fellow colleagues are struggling with their mental health and to have the confidence to approach them and support them by pointing them in the direction of additional resources that could be of help.

Our MHFA course, endorsed by Public Health England.

Read our blog to understand the importance of Mental Health Awareness in Businesses

How Sureteam can Help

We have a highly trained and experienced team when it comes to carrying out Risk Assessments and advising on first-aid requirements working across a wide variety of industries.

We also have a suite of trainer-led and online first-aid and wellbeing courses.

If you would like to discuss your situation with one of the team please call us on 01666 503 686 or fill out our contact form and we’ll come back to you.

Give us a call

Our team are on hand for any advice you need give us a call on 01666 503686 to discuss your firs-aid training needs. With Sureteam, you have got it covered.

Frequently Asked Questions

This will depend on the hazards and risks present at your workplace.  It is important to review your Risk Assessments to identify the hazards and risks and therefore likely injuries.  You should then complete a First-Aid needs Assessment to determine what would be adequate and appropriate for your organisation in terms of first-aid provision which includes what you should keep within the first-aid box.

We can work with you to help you complete this process if required, call our team on 01666 503 686 for an initial chat.

Alternatively, read the blog here with more information about completing a First-Aid needs Assessment.

Yes. We offer First-Aid training to help you understand what is required in relation to First-Aid at Work as well as ensure you have qualified emergency first aiders on the premises who can provide initial support to their colleagues until professional medial assistance can be obtained. 

We can also help you to understand the risks and complete a First-Aid needs assessment to determine exactly what you need to meet your obligations for adequate and appropriate first aid provision.

Call our team on 01666 503 686 for an initial chat about your needs.

Whether you work in an office or on a busy construction site, employ less than 5 people or more than 500, having a first aid kit is essential to treat any minor injuries or wounds that may occur during the working day.

Read our blog, What should be in a first aid box? to get some clarity.

More Resources

Seeking further advice and support, why not take a look at our Resources section with toolbox talks, HSE publications and useful links or read our latest blog post for advice from our team

We see Sureteam as a key extension to our own internal health and safety team here at Squared. Sharing many of our own values, and acting as a “critical friend”, they add real value across all levels of the organisation.

Having taken the time to get to understand who we are and what specific risks we face, means that their advice and training is always practical and relevant. They are always accessible and happy to help support anyone within the organisation and through our ever-evolving relationship we have been able to build and maintain a safe and secure organisation for our teams, customers and wider community.”

Claire Bryan, Director of People Excellence, Squared

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