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Safety Tips for the Christmas Holidays

Christmas is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful times of the year. Surrounded by love, family and cosiness it’s hard to imagine anything could go wrong.

Don’t forget – Christmas trees and decorations are festive, fun and flammable. We have compiled a list of important things to be watching out for this Christmas regarding fire safety. Have a flick through them and ensure that you, your family and your pets are safe this Christmas.

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How is Stress Affecting your body?

In 2015/16, stress accounted for 37% of all work related ill health and 45% of all working days lost due as shown by HSE. Simply defined, stress is the bodies’ way of responding to any kind of demand which switches us into ‘fight or flight’ mode. This state releases chemicals into your blood stream that causes the physical symptoms of stress. It is often confused as a feeling rather than a physical problem which is why such symptoms are regularly missed or, physical steps aren’t taken to reduce the risk.

The infographic below demonstrates how stress can affect your body.

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Back to School – Safety Precautions for Parents

As the cold season creeps up on us, parents all around the country are getting back into the routine of the school run, the homework sessions and, of course, the general worries of leaving your children for the day.

Although at the forefront of your mind might be on getting your child to school on time, ironing the uniform properly or even just wondering where on earth they left their other shoe, health and safety needs to play a part. The nights are growing darker, the temperature is rapidly dropping which means dangers are becoming more prominent.

We’d like to take this time to inform you of the things you should be considering before sending your children plodding off to school.

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Creating A Safe And Healthy Workforce – A No Brainer Solution For Employers

Health and Safety Training for BusinessesGetting Health and Safety right at work doesn’t have to cost the earth.  Research shows that employers can create a happier, more productive, and stress free workplace by putting simple risk reduction processes in place, with the right know how. By investing in training, employers can significantly reduce costs and improve employee welfare and skills.

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Leaving Health and Safety to the Experts: Should I Outsource or Recruit?

Unsurprisingly, a conundrum a lot of business owner’s face today is whether to bite the bullet and hire a specialised employee or outsource the work to an external business in a variety of different sectors. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages which are worth taking the time to explore.

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