Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Health and Safety in Nail Bars

The nail industry is growing. There have been several articles in the press recently about the hidden dangers from salons. From people trafficking to health and safety concerns. We are going to highlight the hazards associated with the industry.

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Water Safety – Know The Facts

Did you know on average 400 people drown each year and 200 people take their own lives in our waters? The UK the National Drowning Prevention Strategy 2016-2026 seeks to reduce the number of deaths in our waters by 50%. The National Water Safety Forum is working with organisations to make activities in and around our waters safer.

Drowning in the UK accounts for more accidental fatalities annually than fire deaths in the home or cycling deaths on the road, so measures need to be taken. Drowning often has complex and multiple causes but they are preventable. Interventions such as creating safer environments, providing swimming lessons and water safety education can help to reduce the number of incidents and deaths.

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What Exactly is PPE?

Personal Protection EquipmentMany of us will at some time used some form of Personal Protective Equipment, such as safety boots, hearing protection and goggles. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) however is never the perfect solution to controlling hazards at work.

As an employer, you have a duty to identify the hazards in your workplace and assess the risk. As part of this risk assessment, you may identify that Personal Protective Equipment is required. What exactly is PPE?

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What is Occupational Health?

Occupational Health is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health, and welfare of people at work.  The goals of occupational health programs are to foster a safe and healthy work environment.

There are several situations where Occupational Health could be involved with an individual’s employment:

  • To establish that candidates are able to meet the physical requirements of the job prior to assignment (i.e. if the job is deemed to be physically demanding)
  • To monitor employee’s health status at periodic intervals when the job involves exposure to potential health hazards (health screening may be necessary)
  • To establish that employees are able to return to work after a prolonged absence due to illness or injury
  • To suggest conditions under which employees with illnesses, injuries or disabilities are able to continue working
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Happy New Year From Sureteam

Firstly we would like to wish all our valued customers a very happy new year from all of us here.

Year after year health and safety legislations changes, not to catch you out but to keep yourself and your employees safe. Keeping up with these changes and ensuring your health and safety systems are up to date can be a confusing task..

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