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Benefits of Completing Training During Furlough

Open empty diary with one entry for health and safety training

As businesses UK wide continue to furlough teams, one question frequently raised in boardrooms and at management meetings is how to keep employees connected to, and engaged with, work and their colleagues whilst they are away.

There are a number of different approaches that firms have adopted from online social events to “keeping in touch” sessions but one of most beneficial can be to take advantage of the vast amount of online training and learning available.

Whilst under furlough rules employees are not permitted to do any work that generates income for the business or organisation, however they are permitted to undertake training that forms part of their personal development or to keep them up to date with the requirements of their role.

So, with that in mind, how can encouraging your employees to undertake Health and Safety or other work-related training whilst furloughed benefit not only them but the business longer term?

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The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Businesses

woman listening to ladyAs an employer it is important to understand that the mental health and wellbeing of your employees is just as important as their physical health and safety. You have a duty not only to keep them physically safe but ensure their mental health isn’t being adversely affected and to provide support where necessary.

This has become particularly apparent this year with the physical restrictions and other issues caused by COVID-19. Working from home, used to protect them from the potential physical health issues that the disease brings have undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on their mental health and wellbeing as social interaction has been reduced leaving many feeling isolated and out of touch with their colleagues.

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New Senior Appointment announced at Gloucestershire Health & Safety Consultancy

Sureteam, a health and safety consultancy based in Tetbury, Gloucestershire, are pleased to announce the appointment of David Barker as Director of Global Operations.

An experienced Health and Safety adviser, and member of IIRSM with experience in Health and Safety enforcement and accident investigation, David joined the business in early 2019 having relocated from Norway where he worked within the Norwegian oil and gas industry

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Supporting the members of a Trade Body during Lockdown

We were delighted to be approached a few months ago by trade body BASDA (Business Application Software Developers Association) to take part in an online event they were running to support members dealing with a range of issues relating to COVID-19.

The series of events were designed to enable members to meet and share their experiences in a safe environment as well as obtain insights and advice from a number of external speakers.

Topics covered by the events included supporting the mental health and wellbeing of employees, the Government Job Retention Scheme and the management of the furlough process, as well as ensuring the Health and Safety of employees both whilst working from home and in the run up to, during and after their eventual return to the workplace.

The event was attended by a wide range of members and we were able to provide them with general guidance on the main areas for consideration during the completion of COVID risk assessments as well as answer specific questions raised by them.

We were also invited to collaborate with members in the production of a guide highlighting the top things to consider when returning to the workplace.

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Homework , but not the school type

As businesses settle into the norm of home working, and with the likelihood of this continuing for several weeks if not months to come, David shares his thoughts on the impact of the new working world on the general health and well being of employees.

Those that are in the fortunate position to be able to work from home in these times of Coronavirus will undoubtedly agree that it has its charms, it has its benefits as well, and yet it  has an amount of issues connected to it that can potentially have a negative effect on ones health.

Cramped working conditions, particularly for those that live in small flats can pose  problems around how the work station can be set up. It can cause back and neck issues through poor working posture and despite good DSE Assessments it is not always possible to put into place the proper corrective measures that would normally be implemented.

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