Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Fire Safety: What’s involved?

The majority of fires that take place within workplaces are preventable if proper fire safety procedures are followed.  With many employees working from home for over a year it is important that as businesses begin to move back into premises, either fully or partially, they revisit their Fire Risk Assessments and make sure that employees are reminded of what to do in the event of a fire.

We’ve recently helped one of our long-standing clients to assess their fire safety processes as part of an office move, read more to see how we’ve supported their team.

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Sureteam Proud Partner and Supporter of IIRSM

Sureteam are delighted to announce that they have become a partner and supporter of educational charity and risk management professional body the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM).

By becoming a partner Sureteam will look to work collaboratively with the organisation and its network of partners and supporters to help build safe, healthy and resilient organisations that empower everyone to identify, manage and communicate risk.


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Assessing the Risk of Legionella as Businesses Re-open


The past year has been one of stops and starts as the various lockdown restrictions have been eased or increased. As we emerge out of our third and hopefully final lockdown, many businesses are beginning to plan to return to their office workspaces and with this comes the need for various risk assessments. One of these is the Risk of Legionella within the cold and hot water systems.

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Agile Working – The New Normal – What Employers Need to Think About

man working from home

The past year has shown how quickly businesses and individuals can adapt when they have to.  It has been surprising just how many companies have been able to effectively carry on as normal with all employees working from home either fully or partially.

But what started as a necessary temporary measure has now become semi-permanent nearly a year on and looks set to continue for at least the next 3-6 months until Government restrictions change.

At the same time many workers and employers have decided that a more agile working arrangement going forward beyond COVID-19 has its benefits in terms of flexibility and cost and so the workplaces of the future are likely to be significantly different to what was the norm only a year ago.

Whilst agile-working presents both the employee and employer with multiple potential benefits, it does also present additional health and safety challenges for employers which they will have to overcome to meet their legal obligations.

Here’s a brief look at what employers need to consider if their workforce is going to work in an agile capacity going forward.

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First-Aid needs Assessments – What are they and how do I complete one?

As an employer you have obligations and responsibilities to ensure the health and safety of your employees and visitors to your premises.   Arguably one of the most important and  common areas for consideration is how your company reacts to anyone that is hurt or taken ill whilst at work.

It is a common misconception that first-aid requirements are based solely on the number of employees you have, in fact legislation states that you  must have adequate and appropriate  first-aid provisions in place to allow you to treat any injured or ill employee or visitor immediately. But how do you determine what would be considered as adequate and appropriate for your organisation?.

The first step in this process is to complete a First-Aid needs Assessment.

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