Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Working At Height With Sureteam

Working At Height – The Sky’s The Limit

Sureteam’s Eye In The Chippenham Sky

Following the success of my defibrillator drone article, which you can read here if you missed;

I was inspired to try and find more commercial uses for drones, especially in the workplace when I discovered that Sureteam had recently hired out a drone to survey a client’s building for Asbestos, an extreme example of working at height for sure, read the full story here…

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iPain – The Latest In iPad injuries


Could you be picking up an ‘ipad injury’ at work

The DSE ( Display Screen Equipment ) regulations came into place more than 20 years ago, following an increase in the amount of complaints of Musculoskeletal disorders ( MSD’s ) which came with the extensive introduction of computers in the workplace, these are there to prevent injury to the employees, eyes, wrists or posture whilst using a computer to work.

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Free e-book Claim Yours Now

Free e-book

Following my recent article regarding football legend Stuart Pearce – here. I was inspired to write an article about the dangers and history of asbestos; as it happens there is a wealth of information on Asbestos I was unaware of – particularly the history, I have compiled this into a short free e-book. Simply follow the link below

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A Simplified Guide To COSHH

At work you’ve probably heard of or come across the phrase COSHH, but what does it stand for and more importantly what does it mean?

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The ‘revolutionary’ new way to tackle fires

Fire Ball, the ‘revolutionary’ new way of tackling blazes.


I am always on the lookout for new advancements in Health and Safety related technology, and I was not disappointed when I stumbled upon the ‘Fire ball’.

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