Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Tips for Hosting a Street Party

street party in the UK with Union Jack flags strung between housesIf you are thinking about hosting a party to celebrate the King’s Coronation, it is always a good idea to think about the possible risks that could cause injury to people attending your party. You should think about how you can minimise things going wrong, and having a back up plan to ensure that you can celebrate the event successfully.

Some of these hints and tips should help give an idea of some of the most common hazards, with a way in ensuring that they are controlled safely.

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New Training Requirements for those Working with Isocyantes

As of 24 August 2023 it will become mandatory that anyone working with diisocyantes will need to have appropriate training prior to using them. The onus will be on the employer to ensure that their staff have been appropriately trained, but whilst the EU currently has training options, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are still planning how to manage this change and the training requirements here in the UK.

So, Let’s back track a little and understand what materials contain isocyantes and why they are a risk.

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IIRSM Risk Excellence Awards 2023 to be Celebrated in Person

IIRSM Risk Excellence Awards 2023After the last few years where many events had to be taken online due to COVID, it is great to see the IIRSM Risk Excellence Awards 2023 will be celebrated on 18th May in person.

The IIRSM Awards will take place at Church House in London and will bring together the risk and safety professionals from across the UK as they recognise and applaud the achievements of individuals and businesses who are championing better risk management and organisational change.

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DSE Assessments: How often should they be completed?

Back Pain At Work - Sureteam

Businesses and employees are working more flexibly that ever. In the wake of the global COVID pandemic it is now commonplace for employees to work both at the office and at home in any given week, or to have even opted to be entirely remote working.

With this, comes an increasing need for both employers and employees to be aware of the risks of prolonged use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) and have the knowledge and ability to carry out a DSE assessment of their working environment and get help to rectify any issues identified wherever they are located.

In this blog, we look at how frequently a DSE assessment should be carried out and some of the common triggers for reassessment.

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PPE Regulations to Change From 6th April 2022

Personal Protective Equipement - boots, mask, glasses, helmet, gloves, ear defenders, high vis jacketThe Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at work regulations are changing. As of 6th April 2022, the Personal Protective Equipment at Work (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (PPER 2022) will come in to force. This is an amendment to the 1992 Regulations. They stipulate that the duties of both the employer and employees regarding PPE will be extended to include limb (b) workers.

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