Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Music Festival Safety Tips

Musical Festival Health and SafetyWith the Festival season fully in swing now, and the sun has been shining (well most of the time). I bet just like some of our team, you are also excited to see your favourite musical artist, and soak up the amazing atmosphere that comes with such amazing live events.

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Sureteam Welcomes New Team Member Shona

New Team Member ShonaWe are pleased to announce that in June we took on a new member of the team, Shona. She has joined Sureteam as a Health and Safety Adviser, with years of experience in environmental health and food health and safety. Find out more about Shona below.

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New Chairman Of HSE Appointed

New Chairman Of HSE Appointed

Martin Temple has been appointed the new chair of the Health and Safety executive (HSE)

But what is the HSE?

New Chairman of HSE

The HSE or health and safety executive is an independent watchdog that operates in the public’s interest to keep work related injuries and deaths from happening, it is sponsored by the department for work and pensions. It was notably formed on the 1st January 1975 however had influence way back in 1833 ensuring children didn’t get injured working in factories – around the time this was commonplace.

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Tiger Numbers Worldwide Show Increase

Tiger Numbers Worldwide Show Increase

In 2010 the worldwide ‘tiger census’ stood at 3,200 tigers, in the most recent census 3,890 have been counted seeing the first increase in tiger numbers since 1900 when over 100,000 lived. Historically, and still to this day tigers have been hunted for fun – but also for their furs and teeth which can be sold on illegal markets. Another main cause of the decline is deforestation resulting in the destruction of the animals habitats.

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Corbyn to speak at Glastonbury Festival 2016

Glastonbury Festival 2016 – Corbyn has accepted Billy Bragg’s offer to speak on ‘Left Field Stage’

Billy Bragg is a left wing activist who’s music blends elements of folk music, punk rock and protest songs, has invited Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to speak on stage at Glastonbury 2016 with a group of like-minded left wing speakers. Billy Bragg is a Glastonbury long stay and his music is heavily centred on bringing about change and getting the younger generation involved in activist causes.

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