Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Assessing the Risk of Legionella as Businesses Shut for Covid-19


As it has been said many times, we are in unprecedented times! The focus of all businesses at the present time is naturally ensuring that their employees, customers and suppliers are safe and minimising the risk of transmission of Covid-19.

Everyone at this stage is aware of the virus, what it does, and what everyone needs to do to help slow its spread, but what about after it is all over? What will its effect have been when shops, restaurants, schools and sports centres reopen after a long period of dormancy.

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What Next for Your Employee Safety After You’ve Implemented Your Business Continuity Plans?

contingency plan button

As the impact of COVID-19 hits virtually every sector and business across the UK the effectiveness of Business Continuity Plans has been tested as never before. Whether it’s changing working practices to adopt social distancing, moving non-critical employees to remote working, identifying new markets or providing different products and services the scale and speed of these changes have left minimal time for reviewing some of the longer term health and safety implications for both the business and employees.

With the impact likely to be more months than weeks, once the dust settles and the immediate priorities are addressed, businesses will need to start focusing on the wider impact of these changes going forward and how they transition things once restrictions begin to be lifted and operations go back to something closer to normal.

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The Importance of Sleep and its Impact on Your Employees

falling asleep at work

During these challenging times many businesses will be operating different working patterns, whether due to increased production to meet demand, re-arranging shift patterns to help isolate and protect workers or pivoting their business to operate in new markets.

Whilst focus on the day to day operation is critical at this time, it’s important not to forget the longer-term impact of changing working practices on the health and well-being of employees who will also be facing substantial pressures outside of work too.

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Looking After the Health & Wellbeing of Your Employees Whilst Working at Home

man working from homeAs many businesses move to remote working in line with Government advice, focus so far has primarily been around the practical logistics of accessing data and ensuring its security, changing the way that services are delivered, communication with clients and other team members.

Given the likely length of time that business will operate in this way it is also vitally important not to forget the short and longer term health and safety implications on employees who will already be dealing with significant pressures outside of work.

Whether it is their physical well-being or their emotional and mental health, as an employer you have a responsibility more than ever to provide support to them.

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What makes a positive day as an employee

On average we spend 1/3 of our lives at work, it follows then that if we have positive experiences at work it will go a long way to ensuring our overall physical and mental wellbeing.  We at Sureteam have put together a few pointers that may help you go some way to making your workday as pleasant as possible.  We know that all of this is not possible in all workplaces but we know that just a few changes can make the world of difference.

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