Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Traditional Tequila Shots Not Banned

Traditional Tequila Shots Not Banned

Tequilla V2Friday night gone midnight is usually the time where you are faced with the classic Mexican spirit, most bars on request will serve the shot with a slice of lemon or lime and a small bit of salt. Lick the salt, down the shot then bite into the lemon – the reason they are served like this is to disguise the raw taste of Tequila, the salt makes you salivate and the lemon takes the taste away.

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Is This The End Of The Library?

Is This The End Of The Library?

“Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries”.

–Anne Herbert

Historically libraries have been at the heart of all communities, prior to the advancement in modern technology books could be borrowed as opposed to purchasing them, then returned when finished. The arrival of products like Amazon’s ‘kindle’ which offers an entire virtual library of free books has seen a decline in the use of libraries across the UK – thus contributing to closures nationwide.

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Learner Drivers To Take Obligatory First Aid Courses

First aid courses to be made obligatory for new drivers in the UK.

Learner Driver First AidIn the past 12 months alone 1,780 people have been killed on British roads – with thousands more being injured. A ten minute rule bill was tabled earlier this month and has been backed by St. John’s Ambulance. The bill specified that new drivers would be unable to take their test without attending a 4 hour first aid course.

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St Patrick’s Day 2016

St Patrick’s Day 2016

Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the globe observe St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green.

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Things You Didn’t Know About The Cheltenham Races

The Cheltenham Races In Numbers


  • 265,000 – the amount of Guinness (pints) knocked back by spectators at the festival in 2015, along with 120,000 bottles of wine and 20,000 bottles of champagne


  • 6,000 – The number of staff employed by the festival – including 350 chefs
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