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New Simpler Recycling Rules come into Force this March – Is your Business Ready?

waste separated into different coloured bins, glass, paper, plastic and food wasteHow good is your business at recycling? Whilst many companies have made efforts over the last few years to separate general waste and recyclable items, it is now going to be a legal requirement to do so when the new Simpler Recycling Law comes into force on 31 March 2025 (31 March 2027 for Micro-Businesses).

Applicable to all workplaces, businesses and non-domestic premises, Simpler Recycling will make it mandatory that all waste is separated in accordance with their waste collector’s provision.

How Does Waste Need to be Separated?

Waste will need to be separated into three main groups.

  • Dry recyclable materials (plastic, metal, glass, paper and card)
  • Food waste
  • Black bin waste (residual waste)

If a business generates garden waste, they also have a legal duty to deal with it in a way that ‘delivers the best environmental outcome’ whether that is recycling or composting.

What Types of Businesses are Affected by the Simpler Recycling Legislation?

All Workplaces that are a business or non-domestic premises and produce waste similar to household waste, will need to comply. So for example, offices, retail, hospitality, hotels, healthcare settings, schools, charities, places of worship etc. For a full list see

My Private Waste Collection Seems to have Different Rules. What do I do?

Business waste may be collected by a private waste company or the local authority. If a private collector is used, it is the responsibility of the business to discuss the new requirements with them. Should they not be able to offer collection that complies with the new law, a new provider should be sought.

It’s worth noting that the government also expects business owners to ensure their waste collectors are registered. Not sure? Check the Public Register of Waste Carriers, Brokers and Dealers.

What Happens if Workplaces Don’t Comply?

It’s important for workplaces to make sure they comply with the new legislation from 31 March 2025 or they could face receiving a compliance notice from the Environment Agency.

 My Business has 5 Employees – Is the Law still Applicable?

Businesses that employ less than 10 full-time employees are considered micro-businesses. The legislation will apply to these workplaces from 31 March 2027. But do make sure you understand the exemption for micro-businesses fully. For example, if you have 3 different business locations each employing 5 people, the legislation recognises the total of 15 employees and so the new rules will be applicable from 31 March 2025.

What Can Businesses do to Prepare for Simpler Recycling?

Many of us are now used to separating our waste at home, so it should not be too difficult to get employees to carry this through to the workplace.

  • Ensure different recycling and waste containers are available in your workplace well ahead of the 31 March deadline.
  • Make sure the bins are an appropriate size depending on the type of waste your business produces. i.e. Have large waste containers for food waste in a kitchen or hospitality situation.
  • Look at your current waste and usage of products. Can you make different purchasing decisions to cut down on waste or buy items made from the same material so that it is easy to recycle them? Increasingly there are more shops offering refills such as coffee, tea and sugar enabling packaging waste to be cut completely.
  • Communicate with your employees in advance and put up signage as necessary to help everyone understand the new law, the importance of complying and how waste separation will change in your workplace.

Where can I find more Guidance on Waste and Recycling?

If you need more information on Simpler Recycling you can find guidance on the website.

Defra has also funded The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) which has developed a Business of Recycling website where managers can read guidance and resources that are specific to their sector. For example, those in hospitality or food manufacturing will have very different challenges in waste separation than those in offices and hospitals and the website gives specific advice relevant to each sector.

Sureteam – Keeping You Abreast of Legislative Changes

Keeping up with legislative changes on business health and safety can be hard work and time consuming for business owners. That’s why Sureteam are here to support businesses like yours and ensure you are informed and compliant before new rules come into force. If it’s time you considered having a health and safety consultant or are looking for specific training, give us a call on 01666 503 686 or fill out our contact form and we’ll be in touch.